Reflections from Classmates

The following thoughts are from Daniel’s classmates. Daniel didn’t talk a lot to me about his school life, and since he was so shy, I was always concerned about how he got along with others and made friends. So I was very touched when classmates began sending us testimonies about Daniel. I had trouble typing them up because my vision was constantly blurred from crying.
— Tom

Mrs. Nyhanen’s 5th hour Language Arts

  • Dan was always nice, and helpful to everybody (these words were repeated throughout).
  • His intelligence always astounded me. I always thought he would be so successful. He was someone everyone should aspire to be like.
  • Dan never had a bad attitude and he was nice to everyone.
  • Dan was always willing to share his ideas with the class and was always finished before everyone.
  • He always had a smile for everyone (another commonly used description)
  • Dan was always willing to help me with my math homework.
  • He was sophisticated beyond his years.
  • One of the kindest, smartest people I have ever known.
  • …at our cross country meets, he was never the fastest runner, but he was always smiling. We would cheer for him and he would speed up a little. I admired him for his dedication. I know what it feels like to be, well, less than varsity. It’s hard to be in such a good mood while running races of over 3 miles, but Dan always seemed to excel at that. Whenever I run I know I will feel a piece of him in my heart. My prayers and love are with you.
  • Dan was one of the sweetest, nicest persons I have ever known.
  • I never really talked to Dan, but when we would do class presentations I could tell he was a gentle person. I wish I could have gotten to know him. We miss him and remember him as part of our family.
  • Intellectual conversation in high school is rare. Dan helped make up for that.
  • Dan was really quiet, but you could see excitement and joy for life on his face.
  • He had the power and desire to succeed.
  • He was so innocent.
  • I have a piece of him in my heart forever. I love ya Dan, you were the greatest.
  • He would always scarf down his lunch and rush to the library. When I realized that (on April 20) I realized the worst. (Daniel was killed in the library.) That day I lost a brother!
  • I am honored to have known you.
Halloween. Daniel is on the far right.

IMP (Math) Classmates
Remembrances written in Memory of Dan.

  • I am comforted because I know Dan no longer feels any pain but I am bothered because Dan’s absence is the world’s loss.
  • I didn’t know you until a few weeks before this happened but you made math easier in those few weeks and you motivated me.
  • I admired you in so many ways. I wish I could’ve told you how you’ve changed the way I look at life. I’ll never forget the potential you had.
  • We say that a line goes on forever. I do not know why such a bright line did not go on. I wish I had the chance to know you better.
  • He was one of the smartest kids I knew.
  • Though I was not one of your good friends, I know you had a big heart.
  • Thanks for setting a high standard for us to achieve. We will miss you dearly!
Another case of Daniel stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw me with a camera. He did not like being photographed–especially impromptu photos like this one.